About Us

Shalom Mumbai is one of the milestones in the 80 year long faith journey of CNI Malayalam Church members of Mumbai.

Mumbai city is one of the biggest arena for human trafficking in India especially involving prostitution. Though there are many Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and social activists working towards eradication of this social evil, there is need for more people groups and organizations for the rehabilitation of the commercially sexually exploited women (CSEW) in the city of Mumbai.

The genesis of Shalom Mumbai as a mission is from the message delivered by Mr. Anson Thomas on the 10th North India Family and Youth Conference (NIF & YC) held under aegis Madhya Kerala Diocese of Church of South India (CSI). Mr. Anson Thomas, a social activist works towards the eradication of human trafficking in India. After the conclusion of the 10th NIF & YC, on 4th January, 2015, the three hosting churches unanimously decided to set up Shalom Mumbai as a project under the Shalom Charitable Trust. It was decided that the main objective of the project shall be to rehabilitate victims of human trafficking in Mumbai and its suburbs.

No project can begin without a dream and a dreamer. The Shalom Mumbai initiative was fueled by many dreamers determined to reach out to the most exploited section of the Indian society and give them a second chance. The founders are Rev. Sam Mathew K of Parel church and Rev. Sam N Joshua of Borivali & Vasai church. Both believed that it was high time the church extended its boundaries and helped the physically and sexually exploited women in Mumbai City.

Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Oommen the Bishop of MKD and Moderator of Church of South India, a staunch advocate of social justice and a believer in extending the radius of the Church to the downtrodden masses, on September 20, 2015 inaugurated SHALOM MUMBAI MISSION. During this inaugural ceremony, 20 women from the Red-light area of Mumbai attended and expressed their desire to come of their current situation and lead a normal life.

From very beginning of our inception we started rehabilitation programs with the help of different organisation and in 2019 we moved to our own leased building SHALOM NIWAS for rehabilitation of girls above 18 years of age. We also acquired a land in city Mumbai for the constructs of a Rehabilitation center to accommodate 35+ inhabitatants, Vocational training centre & quarters for workers immediately. In December 25, 2021 Rt. Rev. Dr. Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, our patron and
Bishop CSI MKD has laid the foundation stone for rehabilitiation centere. Presently St. Mary the Virgin Parel, St. James Church Borivali, Holy Immanuel church Vasai, Jubilee Malayalam Church Sanpada, St. Christopher Malayalam Church Kalyan and WF CSI MKD are partnering our projects.